Scofflaw_PageLogo The light shines in your face from the lamp above and you answer as the truth finally hits you … “yes I want something besides an IPA”! What you really want is an Scofflaw Interrogation Milk Stout with coffee. Interrogation pours jet black with fluffy khaki head that never dissipates, sitting on top of the stout like a fluffy marshmallow.

The aroma of fresh roasted coffee hits your nose like the aroma emanating from the adjacent break room. Next you are greeted with subtle notes of vanilla and rich dark chocolate after the first sip. The taste is a coffee lovers’ paradise-a cold brew medium roast with the dark malts; leading you to hints of roasty chocolate and a lingering creamy lactose sweetness.

This stout may be easy drinking but upon further questioning, will you crack and order another?

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