Introducing scratch-made cocktails from Dogfish Head Distilling Company.
A curious selection of real, all-natural ingredients in recognizable cocktail styles, distilled 100% and 7% ABV.
Enjoy Cold Straight from Can!

See below for available products from United Distributors.

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Inspired by visits to Sam’s Friend’s Honeyberry Farm up in coastal Maine, their vodka is distilled with Honeyberries, macerate with Strawberries then blend with our house-made Lemonade recipe.

Sweet and tart, reminiscent of a classic vodka lemonade. The profile is well balanced with a tart fresh squeezed lemon combined with a sweet berry taste. The strawberry honeyberry vodka cuts through the upfront sweetness to provide a complex and refreshing experience.


Inspired by the old-timey colonial-era, non-alcoholic drink which balances sweet fruit flavor with the acidity of vinegar to create a sweet & tart refresher. This Blueberry Shrub Vodka Soda starts by distilling vodka with blueberries, then macerating with lightly sweetened balsamic & red wine vinegar to create a house-made Blueberry Shrub Vodka, which is then blended with Soda Water.

Delicate balance of sweet and sour. Juicy, subtle sweetness from blueberries, with a slight sour and complex fruity character from the vinegar. Overall sweet and sour balance makes this cocktail sessionable and refreshing.


Developed to accentuate the subtle nuances of our malt-whiskey, Dogfish Head Whiskey is distilled with tart cherries and highly fragrant & citrusy bergamot orange, then blended with their house-made sour mix.

Oak and vanilla whiskey balanced with citrus and dark cherry notes and a hint of honey, lemon, and bergamot.